On 7/3/2013 8:34 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
Outstanding. I'm also very mean to your std::current_exception() implementation by doing evil such as rethrowing and catching exception_ptr's caught in other threads during exception catch handling in several hundred simultaneous threads. GCC and clang get this right, whereas Nov 2012 CTP has some race conditions in there, and it can and does lose state occasionally if too many threads are doing this simultaneously.
I didn't report it yet because [...] <snip>
Please do. A race condition in the C++ runtime is a *very serious* bug. I know sometimes it seems like MS isn't listening, but as you can see from Stephan's involvement here, they clearly do, and it has an effect.
When you file the bug, attach a small program that demonstrates the
Not at all - every bug I've ever filed to date with Microsoft's compiler team has been fixed. Some bugs have taken a lot longer than others, but they have kept the issue tracker up to date with progress and intentions generally. problem.
And say that it affects Boost. That last bit matters, apparently.
Proposed Boost.AFIO isn't in Boost yet. Paul Kirth, the GSoC student doing most of the labour, has done a great job in converting over the old codebase into Boost and has been climbing the steep, steep hill which is Boost.Build. I finally got BoostBook documentation (derived from Boost.Geometry's machinery) building cleanly to HTML and PDF for the very first time last night, so I can start into the documentation at long last. I'm also at work on a cloud based per-commit Jenkins VS2010 unit test slave which will be followed by a FreeBSD 10 per-commit unit test slave with its shiny and unique clang + libcxx combo. End of this month we have our first GSoC report to Google - we hope to have a functional AFIO library ready for sandbox by the end of this month. Sometime after that I'll get to reporting bugs we found to their various sources. After all, the bugs could actually be in our code! Niall --- Opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of BlackBerry Inc.