On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 8:05 PM, Anurag Ghosh
I'm not sure about compiling with MinGW however, as you are a student (you are applying for GSoC), you can register at dreamspark.com and get a licensed copy of visual studio. (I did that, you may need to submit some identity proof though and create a microsoft account.)
I got Visual Studio Express (Free version from MS site) but they are asking for windows 8.1 (i have 8)... I already hate windows 8 enough to not upgrade to 8.1 ...... So, i never did use Visual Studio.
For Libs and Includes of LibreOffice/OpenOffice SDK, (there might be very slight differences so please bear with me)
1. You will need to run setsdkenv_windows.bat and provide the various params. Download cat, sed etc from sourceforge/GnuWin32.
2. In the same terminal, then Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\sdk\bin and run the following command to generate the includes,
cppumaker.exe -Gc -O"$OO_SDK_OUT\include" "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\URE\misc\types.rdb" "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\types\oovbaapi.rdb" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Libreoffice 4\program\types\offapi.rdb"
This will generate all the necessary includes at $OO_SDK_OUT\include.
3. C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\sdk\lib contains all the necessary libraries to be linked.
Now you have the libs and the includes which can be used by MinGW and msvc to compile programs (and wrappers) using these libraries. (use /LIBPATH: or /INCLUDE: or -I etc etc.)
Hope this should help you a bit. :)
Thanks! :) This really helps! I will try to compile with MinGW and search for pre-compiled binaries, if possible. If nothing works out, i will switch to linux. I have sufficient experience with linux so that won't be much problem. . At first my intention was sole GSoC, so i was waiting for the results. Then i realised that I have literally done nothing for any open source project. That reduces my chances of selection and moreover now I must atleast start to do something that will count in future. So, now i want to develop this library anyway, GSoC or not, doesn't matter. :) . Regards, Abhinav