9 Jun
9 Jun
11:26 a.m.
Ion GaztaƱaga wrote:
MPL. But it's relatively easy to implement without MPL. Ideally in my mind:
MPL --- depends on --> TTraits--- depends on --> (Traits)Core.
Or even:
MPL --- depends on --> TTraits--- depends on --> (Traits)Core.
Sorry, I pasted twice the same, forget the second repeticion. Ctrl+V problems, you know.
MPL -> TypeTraits is also breakable. Outside of workarounds, the genuine dependency is in mpl/empty_base.hpp, which is another example (like blank.hpp) that illustrates that it is at present not possible to define a new type trait (is_empty_base) or to specialize an existing one (is_empty) without including a TypeTraits header. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/boost/mpl/empty_base.hpp