Hi, I have a very large graph data (150000 node and 450000 edges) in two text files... first one: contains the vertices and their weights. second one: contains the edges and their weights. I need to retrieve a small subgraph from this big graph data...it's easier to do that if the graph is stored in an adjacency list format... I managed to write some code that reads from the files and creates a graph in an adjacency list format... Now, I would like to store the graph (the one in the adjacency list format) for next uses because it takes long time to convert my graph text files into the adjacency list format... I couldn't figure out how to do it... I saw the section about graph I/O in the BGL documentation: Graphviz, Max-flow, and GraphML but I don't think they will do what I need... I looked also on Serialization, I'm not sure about it... will serialization work well to store very large graphs and then retrieve then very fast ... Is this possible? Best regards, Nouf