Vicente J. Botet Escriba
Le 17/09/14 23:30, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 17/09/14 22:49, Louis Dionne a écrit :
Vicente J. Botet Escriba
writes: In addition, I wonder if the category associated shouldn't depend on the type class we want to map.
> I'm not sure why that would be useful. Do you have a use case in mind? After more thoughts the user can always specialize TC::Instance<T> inheriting from TC::Instance<CatA>.
struct TC::Instance<T> : TC::Instance<CatA> {};
I think I don't understand what you are trying to achieve here. What exactly are CatA and T? What effect do you want to achieve in doing such a type class instantiation (instantiation in Hana/Haskell terms).
A deeper analysis of your code let me think that you have already something similar to what I was requesting.
The previous specialization let the data type class define directly how is it could be seen as an instance of a given type class NAME. I see however that this has been used only fro the Record type class.
boost/hana/record/macros.hpp: struct hana_Record : ::boost::hana::Record::mcd { \
So here you have the use_case you were requesting.
Given a data type D, it is possible to instantiate any unary type class TC from inside D's definition as follows: struct D { struct hana_TC { // type class definition }; }; This is true for all unary type classes. However, since the instantiation of the Record type class is very straightforward, a macro is provided to make it even easier. Note that the ability to instantiate a type class from inside a data type's definition is not documented right now. Regards, Louis