On 06/03/2016 22:19, Domagoj Saric wrote:
On 4.3.2016. 1:18, Andy Thomason wrote:
Hi Domagoj and Mathias.
for quite some time I've been working on a portable mmap/virtual memory
I have been using Boost.Interprocess for handling large genetic data files in the proposed Boost.Genetics, it is intended for sharing memory images between processes, but works just as well as a portable mmap wrapper including as a block allocator.
And the "portable mmap wrapper" and "block allocator" are IMO two separate things and belong in separate libraries, as mmap-ing is not essentially an IPC thing. This is one of the chalenges in making a VM/MMAP library - find out the clear API boundary where the library should stop and Interprocess should then build upon.
The only shame is that it is not 100% header-based and so needs binaries for different platforms.
But Interprocess is a header only library?
Yes. It depends on DateTime but no library function is needed so you can define BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB to avoid automatic linking. See: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/interprocess.html#interprocess... Best, Ion