Le 12/05/2018 à 06:38, Dattatreya Mohapatra a écrit :
I have proposed to provide an implementation of KMeans under uBLAS, as part of my GSoC project this summer. Currently, I am working on designing the API, and have not implemented anything.
*My thoughts*: I have proposed to implement a very basic form of kmeans, with three types of initializations - random, kmeans++, Brady-Fayyad. It would be great if we can work together to integrate your implementation as well.
It would be helpful if we get inputs from David and Sharique (my mentors) on how to proceed with this.
Regards, Dattatreya Mohapatra
Hi, I haven't seen the GSoC proposal, thanks for bringing it to my attention. We have already a design and code that works, and the implementation is using an efficient algorithm. We have also the kmeans++ initialization but not the Brady-Fayyad (I am interested in any pointers). Also I think this would be better used outside of uBlas, because kmeans has a very general use case. The implementation that we have has no dependency other than STL. We are ready to release/integrate (test, doc, benchmarks are here), and this is why I am asking if there is an interest and how to proceed. So let's work together on this if you want. Raffi