On 8/28/18 4:37 AM, Mike Dev via Boost wrote:
=======Please quote from here ======================================
- Which library/ies are you maintaining? (I assume this isn't some sort of private information - otherwise ignore the question) Boost Serialization
- Would you like to unconditionally use c++11 features if you would not have to worry about this breaking boost internal users? There is no value to these features at this point
- Would you like to unconditionally use c++11 features if you would not have to worry about this breaking any users?
- Would you deprecate your library completely if there were no boost-internal users and your current dependencies required c++11 (e.g. because your library has been merged into the c++11 standard library anyway)
hmmm - normally I just respond to bug reports. If there are no users there would be no such reports so probably nothing would happen.
- Are you yourself using any boost library (in an up-to-date version) in a c++03, non-boost project?
within the boost serialization library or in other projects? In any case, I just incorporate an std header if there is one, next I select a boost header, and finally I write it myself.
- Do you have any Idea if the latest versions of your library is used by any important/significant number of c++02 projects? [It is only important if *you* consider those projects important and or the number significant]
I have no idea how frequently the boost serialization library is used. I'm sort of thinking it's more than 25 times. But I have not statistics on this. I would love to know this. ==== The one thing that might happen in the future is that BS depends upon some other boost library which gets "upgraded" to C++11 so that BS is no longer compatible with C++03. But this seems unlikely. Boost libraries don't get much maintenance. Once it works and passes all tests, no one messes with it. upgrading working code from C++03 to C++11 isn't going to add any benefit, so there it's more attractive to spend one's efforts somewhere else. Robert Ramey