On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:00 PM Emil Dotchevski via Boost
LEAF is a small C++11 error handling library (the acronym stands for Low-latency Error Augmentation Framework).
- Header-only, NO dependencies. - No dynamic memory allocations. - Associate objects of arbitrary types with any failure — when it is initially reported or at a later time. - Compatible with std::error_code, errno and any other error handling API. - Use with or without exception handling. - Support for multi-thread programming.
Official documentation: https://zajo.github.io/leaf.
LEAF is designed for use in low-latency environments without exception handling, but it also works with exception handling; in that case it is a better, more optimal replacement for Boost Exception. This link can be helpful for refactoring existing Boost Exception code: https://zajo.github.io/leaf/#boost_exception.
I reviewed your Travis CI results. If possible, consider providing the following as well to improve overall quality. It would be nice for all new libraries to meet these requirements to help ensure better quality of components entering the suite. * code coverage, for example codecov.io, specifically branch coverage numbers * static analysis, for example cppcheck and/or coverity scan * UBSAN and valgrind * AppVeyor results for MSVC 2010 - 2017, MinGW 32-bit and 64-bit, and cygwin 32-bit and 64-bit Examples of these can be found in: https://github.com/boostorg/boost-ci Thanks! - Jim