Le 24/11/14 12:10, Niall Douglas a écrit :
For C++ Now 2015 I am intending to present an overview of C++ 11 only Boost libraries in the review queue or very near the review queue by the time of the conference. I'd appreciate help filling in missing gaps in this list:
I have to admit surprise at how long the list I have collected already is.
Are there any other C++ 11 only Boost libraries I am missing, or have I got the ETAs wrong?
There is also Boost Tick and Boost Fit. I don't know to what extent range-v3 could be considered in this list. I think you should extend the scope of your talk to libraries that need a c++14 compiler. I would expect more functional programming libraries coming soon.. Constexpr generic lambdas as so easy to write and compose :) Boost.Thread has some sub-libs that need a c++11 compiler. I'm tired to emulate the variadics and move semantics, I need some libraries in C++11 STL that are not available in Boost or c++03 STL. I don't know if I would have the time, but I planned long time ago to add UDL to chrono. Best, Vicente