Hi Siddharth, How come your mailing-list post and code are nearly identical to that of Dhruv Kohli? Dhruv originally wrote us this message: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/boost-ublas-gsoc-15-td4672932.html which has the exact same questions, nearly word for word, that you just asked! And then, your code: https://github.com/sid6641/boost.uBLAS-Gsoc/blob/master/gaussian_elimination... https://github.com/sid6641/boost.uBLAS-Gsoc/blob/master/test/test_gaussian_e... is identical in every meaningful way to Dhruv's code: https://github.com/chiggum/boost.ublas/blob/master/gaussian_elimination.hpp https://github.com/chiggum/boost.ublas/blob/master/test/test_gaussian_elimin... You even have the same spelling mistakes! Sure, a few variable names are different, but do you really think we are that easily fooled? I mean, Dhruv posted his code only about 1 week ago... it's not hard to connect the two dots together. Clearly, there is something fishy going on here. I would recommend that this should disqualify you from applying to the GSoC program. Plagiarism, i.e., passing other people's work as your own, is not acceptable, anywhere. I don't know how you figured you could get away with something as blatant as this, it's brazen and shameful. Mikael. -- Sven Mikael Persson, M.Sc.(Tech.) PhD Candidate and Vanier CGS Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University,