On 22/05/2020 10:17, Andrey Semashev wrote:
Some time ago I have proposed to include ring_queue and small_ring_queue containers to Boost.Container:
The ring queues work similarly to std::queue with the main difference being that they use a ring buffer internally to store elements. The small_ring_queue also allows to allocate a static storage for a fixed amount of elements. The benefit of this is that dynamic memory allocations can be practically avoided when the number of enqueued elements does not exceed some limit.
Boost.Lockfree [1] already contains such a queue (which operates similar to a ring-buffer when set to fixed capacity, but can be configured to be dynamic). The queue doesn't implement a ring buffer, but can be used as if it did. The spsc_queue actually uses a ring buffer internally. They implement "push fails" if the buffer is full when fixed-capacity, but (provided you use the multi-consumer version, or prevent concurrent access some other way) there's no reason why you couldn't pop and retry if you want overwrite-like behaviour. Usually I personally find that if I care about memory allocation then I care about locking as well. [1]: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_73_0/doc/html/lockfree.html