On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 at 17:37, Michael Caisse via Boost
The master branch is is now open for post-beta merges, but only as described in the Post-Beta Merge Policy.
See https://github.com/boostorg/boost/wiki/Releases%3A-Beta-Merge-Policy
In GIL, we'd like to merge a set of seven commits with minor and documentation changes [1] that we believe do not require request for permission. [1] https://lists.boost.org/boost-gil/2019/11/0353.php There is one change we are debating [2] if it needs permission or not: * Remove include/boost/gil/version.hpp file as unused https://github.com/boostorg/gil/commit/84b155630d1d59d604ba9c1e083c7d8ae8097... [2] https://lists.boost.org/boost-gil/2019/11/0354.php The boost/gil/version.hpp was added in Boost 1.68 and we are finding it useless and confusing, so we've decided to remove it. We don't think there has been any wide use of or dependence on this header, so we consider it safe to be removed at any time. Can we merge the removal of the boost/gil/version.hpp as post-beta merge now? Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net