On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 5:13 AM, Hartmut Kaiser
Review of the Compute library starts today on Mon 25st of December 2014 and will last for ten days.
The Compute library provides a C++ interface to multi-core GPGPU and CPU computing platforms based on OpenCL.
Caveat: I have spent only very little time to look into this library, so I might be off by a large margin.
Thanks for taking a look! I've addressed your comments in-line below.
Mainly, I have two comments wrt the API of this library:
a) I would have expected for the STL-like algorithms to be 100% aligned with N4105 (http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4105.pdf). I strongly believe we will see an Boost implementation for N4105, so Boost.Compute could nicely integrate (or even lay the foundation) by defining its own execution policies.
Well the API can't be 100% aligned with the proposal as Boost.Compute supports C++03 compilers. Places where the APIs differ (e.g. slightly different signatures/semantics for some of the new algorithms) are due to what I consider some short-comings in the proposal (at least as far as it applies to GPU/accelerator programming). But anyway, I think Boost.Compute is perfectly suited to provide an N4105-style ExcecutionPolicy which could be used to execute algorithms on the GPU using the proposed standard API. Also, I would be very much in support of an implementation of the proposal for Boost and would be interested in collaborating with anyone working on that.
b) As already mentioned elsewhere, I find it to be confusing for the library to expose two different mechanisms for dealing with the asynchrony. There is the queue type representing OCL events, and the partially used future<> return type for the user to synchronize. I believe this can be unified
To be clear, there is only one mechanism for asynchrony, the command queue abstraction provided by OpenCL. Calls that enqueue operations on the command queue (e.g. copying between memory buffers or launching a kernel) are non-blocking and return an event object which can be used to track the progress of the operation or wait for its completion. The future<> class in Boost.Compute simply wraps the returned OpenCL event object and provides a standard C++ future API for it. This is merely provided as a convenience. Hope this makes things more clear. -kyle