Hello Boost developers, A partial implementation of fixed-point in a Boost-like style based on proposal N3352 is now available.This work is the result of developments from 2013-2016, including efforts from GSoC 2015. The source code is available at: fixed_point-masterPreliminary docs are available at: fixed_point-docWe are potentially interested in submitting this work for inclusion in Boost. We are now requesting comments and suggestions for improvements, corrections and any further test results if these become available.Some key library features include:* proper C++ header-only implementation * full numeric_limits and <cmath> functions * flexible template choice of split between resolution and range * automatic selection of underlying integral representation * portability and high efficiency for bare metal microcontrollers * interoperation with Boost.Math * seamless extension to high-precision using Boost.Multiprecision * extensive test suite Thank you for your consideration. Best regards,Christopher Kormanyos