1 Apr
1 Apr
9:58 a.m.
Am 01.04.2013 03:43, schrieb Vicente J. Botet Escriba:
The architecture of Boost.MultiIndex don't need shuch a double indirection. Is as if you had the A and the Bs in a single Node. IIRC, I believe the a and the bs instances must be created at once when inserting on the multiindex.
Thanks for the explanation, Vicente. I can't use that approach for various reasons. Here's my implementation of a "contiguous map" if anyone else is interested: http://pastebin.com/dKzRfkMm it works like a std::map, except that the key_type is always std::size_t, and after a map.insert(make_pair(100,v)), even though map.size() is 1, the internal vector has a size of 101. so the keys must be fairly contiguous to not waste space, but not completely.