I would like to point out that Django project had this same question posed
in 2012.
At the time they decided to keep using trac, as Github did not provided
enough functionality.
The critical conclusion from the core team is summarised here:
the main arguments are presented below.
Aymeric wrote:
I just looked at it again and here's what I noticed:
- there is no workflow, so we lose the ability for the community to
triage tickets;
- we can't upload patches (which forces every contributor to sign up for
GitHub and learn git) or arbitrary files (like logs, screenshots,
tracebacks: not everything is a pull request);
- there isn't a notion of "component", so there's no way to ask "give me
the list of all contrib.auth tickets, so I can find the duplicate quickly";
- we can't put customized flags on tickets (easy, ui/ux) -- there are
tags, but the result of the "Keywords" field in Trac shows the limits of
unstructured tags;
- it's hard to navigate when there are more than 200 open tickets on a
Justin Bronn wrote:
GitHub's issue tracker is so much worse than Trac I don't know why we're
even considering it. I can attest it has NOT gotten better with age,
and large projects on GitHub can't use it either. For example, both
Chef and Puppet are hosted on GitHub yet use their own ticket solutions
(Puppet uses Redmine, Chef uses Jira). The Pinax folks wrote their own
issue system rather than using GitHub's!
On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Paul A. Bristow
-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Deniz Bahadir Sent: 24 April 2015 10:47 To: boost@lists.boost.org Subject: Re: [boost] [Master project] Switch from Trac to another Bug-tracking-system
Because we're still using Trac for bug reporting.
I would pretty much recommend, you consider migrating from Trac to another (more modern) bug-tracking system that is more responsive and has less problems with modern browsers.
Don't forget that many (good?) libraries use release notes and history that link to Trac #numbers to record bugs and fixes and enhancements.
Any new system must continue to provide access the information that these provide. This might be achieved by keeping Trac going (forever?) Conversion sounds non-trivial?
Any new system also needs to provide an equivalent mechanism to link to bug fix info.
As long as the release-notes only mention the issue #numbers, it should be enough to make sure, that the new ticket-system assigns the same ticket-numbers to the converted tickets. Probably, this should be possible (as long as the new ticket-system supports migration from Trac, which is a prerequisite anyway). For Redmine I found a wiki-article about migration from Trac to Redmine, which states that ticket numbers stay the same (if the Redmine-database is empty prior to migration). [1]
For the case that some release-notes have direct web-links to Trac, not only issue-numbers, the domain "svn.boost.org/trac/" should still be available and automatically forward the browser to the corresponding address of the new ticket-system. For example (if using Redmine as new ticket-system):
https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11224 ---> https://redmine.boost.org/issues/11224
Some libraries do use the direct web-link to Trac item - it is by far the most convenient for users, so this should continue to work.
To be honest, I have not used too many different ticket-systems myself. However, as you might have noticed, I have some experience in working with Redmine and my impression is, that it would be a big improvement to using Trac and that a migration and database conversion from Trac to Redmine would be possible.
This is reassuring - but others have recommended using GIT issues (but without considering any migration tools).
Are you offering to do the migration to Redmine?
(Personally, I have had no problems with Trac - just works for me).
Other views from experienced/disgruntled users?
--- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830
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