Den 03-05-2015 kl. 21:34 skrev Niall Douglas:
I do apologise.
No sweat. :-)
The examples are compiled as part of testing, but not executed and the older examples probably have experienced some regex find and replace in files bitrot as various refactorings have occurred. I'll be honest in saying I gave them very little thought in the v1.3 release as they'll all need to be rewritten for the Fiber support coming in v1.4.
Looking forward to that.
Firstly, can you report the above issues at https://github.com/BoostGSoC13/boost.afio/issues please? I probably won't attend to them for a bit as C++ Now is very close and I'm presenting.
Done. Issues 70 and 71.
Secondly, don't forget there is a wealth of definitely working example code in the unit tests. From v1.4 onwards I intend to make the examples also unit tests as I myself have found examples in the docs which had become non-functional over time.
I'll start browsing through that instead. :-)
And if you have any problems with code failing, please do post problems onto boost-users.
Ah crap. I just typed `boost` in the to-field and selected the first address that showed up. I agree, this should have gone to boost-users instead. Regards, Brian