The patch has an extra directory indirection that prevented installation for me. Changing a/boost_1_73_0/boost/outcome to a/boost/outcome worked for me. Thanks. - Tim P.S. Apologies if this interjection breaks the correct flow of the mailing list. I get mine in a digest and couldn't figure out how to reply to just this message. On 28/04/2020 01:08, Glen Fernandes wrote
Niall, if you want we can provide a Boost.Outcome patch on the 1.73 release notes (in similar fashion to the Coroutine patch on https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_72_0.html under Known Issues) and on https://www.boost.org/patches/ .
Please find attached a diff against Boost 1.73 which was generated from bug fix commit https://github.com/ned14/status-code/commit/9f414ea58264fe0a62172a06f4653adc... Thanks for this, sorry for the bother. Niall