This might be connected to GitHub Services deprecation https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-04-25-github-services-deprecation/ https://blog.travis-ci.com/2018-09-27-deprecating-github-commit-status-api-f... Sorry to be such a noob when it comes to Travis integration, but for the
life of me I just can't see how to fix the following: Travis was activated for boostorg/multi_index yesterday, and, in addition, I've been given admin privileges to boostorg/multi_index so I can, in theory, control how the Github/Travis communication happens. Evreything is working OK except that, when I push something to develop, *two* Travis tasks are created, named "Travis CI - Branch"and "continuous-integration/travis-ci/push": whereas in all the other boostorg libs I've examined, only "continuous-integration/travis-ci/push" appears (example with smart_ptr): I've walked all over the settings pages for both Travis and Github, looked up on the Internet and didn't come to any conclusion as to what this "Travis CI - Branch" thing is and how it can be turned off so that integration looks the same way as for any other Boost lib. Any clue much appreciated. Joaqu?n M L?pez Mu?oz