On Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 6:47 PM Robert Ramey wrote:
I maintain the Boost Serialization Library. It's consistent with (supports?) C++03. For the last 20 years, all I've done is bug fixes and updates to be build system scripts. No one has complained - and of course why would they?
P.S. I can't help that the word "supports" is ill-chosen here. I honestly don't understand what it means in this context.
Robert, the only way the proposed announcement would affect you is the following: Let's say you decide you want Boost.Serialization to continue to work in C++03 compilers. Imagine the announcement is made that "Boost 1.82 is the last release where the release managers will care about tests failing in C++03 standards mode". Now Boost.Serialization depends on some other Boost libraries, for example, it uses boost::addressof() from Boost.Core. In Boost 1.83 let's say we make a change to boost::addressof such that it no longer compiles in C++03 mode. Now Boost.Serialization in 1.83 will also not compile in C++03 mode. So in that scenario: If you wanted Boost.Serialization to continue to be usable in C++03 code, you would have to stop depending on boost::addressof and have your own boost::serialization::addressof implementation, etc. Glen