2013/7/8 Augusto Righetto
Hi Antony,
Did you test your patch against some common use cases on Boost::FileSystem 1.54.0 on Android?
I'm currently working on running all regression tests under android.
After applying your patch, boost::filesystem::path works, however it crashes on boost::filesystem::directory_iterator. Are you using directory_iterator on your App?
Not directly. But we use Boost.Log that uses boost::filesystem::directory_iterator and it works OK. Give me some more information and may be I'll be able to help you: * What version of Android API are you using? (We use 9) * What libc++ implementation are you using? (We use gnustl_shared) * Have you enabled exceptions and RTTI via -fexceptions and -frtti? * If you run you application from Java using jni, have you enabled filesystem operations (like reading/writing to sdcard)? -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin