2017-05-27 18:26 GMT+02:00 Niall Douglas via Boost
and I've retained the current wide result<T> and outcome<T>, just renamed to checked_result<T> and checked_outcome<T>.
This isn't enough to compensate. One, checked_result is so much longer to type that this is obviously an encouragement to use unchecked by default, a questionable guideline.
I would agree. But well, we were outvoted. And that probably means rejection of this library, as the presented library does not implement what the majority want (yet).
How do you count the votes? How many votes did you count? What option did I vote for? I indicated my preference towards not having initiali empty state (default constructor), on basis that I cannot think of a use case for it. Since you are still trying to provide `optional_result`, it means you must see some use case for it. Having so many types doesn't look good to me either. I would be more comfirtable with result<> having empty state but with additional observers with narrow contract. Regards, &rzej;