In article <0499fe61-4113-95f1-c56c-d5778b0b0fa2@rrsd.com>,
Robert Ramey via Boost
On 8/29/18 9:14 AM, Cem Bassoy via Boost wrote:
I like Edwards proposal. However, not all Boost users are C++ experts, especially those who want to use 'higher-level' boost libraries such as GIL. Comparing Boost's installation processes with Qt's one, many users do not want to be concerned with cloning/compiling/linking issues.
Any boost library should be straight forward to build if it's not header only.
Agreed, but bjam/jam/whatever is an impediment here. Boost is the only thing I've ever encountered that used this. CMake is the most widely used build environment now for C/C++ and the sooner we move to replacing bjam/jam/whatever with CMake, the sooner all this build suffering ends.
If we're distributing something that is problematic to build & test, we have a problem. Let's fix that!
It's been that way for... what, a decade? I have only seen signs of hope more recently that the boost organizing committee decided to bless CMake as the direction to go. -- "The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline The Terminals Wiki http://terminals-wiki.org The Computer Graphics Museum http://ComputerGraphicsMuseum.org Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) http://LegalizeAdulthood.wordpress.com