Rene Rivera wrote:
git submodule update --init --depth 1 tools/regression
How would you bootstrap that?
Not sure what you mean. - cd .. - git clone -b $TRAVIS_BRANCH --depth 1 https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git boost-root - cd boost-root - git submodule update --init --depth 1 tools/regression What is the bootstrap problem here? That the above sequence is not part of the script? Why does it need to be?
Hmm.. Are you saying that getting an old version of the regression tools that "matches" a particular checkout of the libraries at some point in time should always work and be a measure of reproduction?
Yes, this to me feels like the right thing to do. When you are testing a specific Boost snapshot, it makes sense for the testing tools to also be a part of this snapshot. And there's also the principled objection of not executing unknown unauthenticated scripts retrieved by wget across the internet, although I won't insist on that. :-)