That's an interesting line of thought. More generally, I think it is true that any structure that can be folded can be reconstructed using the dual fold. In category theory these are called catamorphisms and anamorphisms, but I'm not there yet :D.
Yes. Catamorphism is used to "destroy" the list, and anamorphism is used to build the list. Now, `Iterable` and `Foldable` can both be considered catamorphic, since folding can be built on top of `Iterable`. This is the same way unfolding can be built on top of `Insertable`. So using the lower level concepts such as `Iterable` and `Insertable`, we can do some algorithms more efficiently.
I think a better approach would be how Paul Mensonides defines generic data structures in his Chaos library. Its pretty simple and lightweight.
I'll definitely take a look at this.
Now in the Chaos library, it has these functions:
* CONS - push_front
* HEAD - front
* TAIL - pop_front
* NIL - An empty data structure(perhaps called remove_all)
* IS_NIL - is_empty
However, all these functions could be written using `Iterable` and
`Insertable` as well:
* front
* pop_front
* push_front
So the other two methods(`remove_all` and `is_empty`) can be derived from
above three methods:
template<class Sequence>
using is_empty = is_same
Are you referring to? If so, Foldable is missing (:) and []. If that is not what you meant, I must admit that I had no idea `transform` could be implemented with Foldable alone.
No, I am referring to the fact that you would return a new Foldable sequence that would do the transform while it folds. Paul -- View this message in context: Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at