23 Mar
23 Mar
3:53 p.m.
Daniel James
At some point add a short description of what's changed to the release notes. You can do that at:
https://github.com/boostorg/website/blob/master/feed/history /boost_1_56_0.qbk
Hi, Regarding the pull request for Boost.MultiIndex that you have kindly just merged: there are a couple of formatting errors I don't know the right syntax for: * I've tried to subscript "dist" in "ndist" with n<subscript>dist</subscript>, but this is not working. * A paragraph later, "*[unord.req]*" should display as "[unord.req]" in bold font (seems there's some bad interaction between asterisks and escaped '['s). I'd be grateful if you could fix these. Thank you! Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica Digital