There's a new version at:
that I think addresses your concerns. Click on the link to see the new
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Steven Watanabe
On 04/29/2014 10:00 AM, John Salmon wrote:
I've dusted off the code I wrote a couple of years ago and republished
now on github:
CBRNGs overcome all these problems. With CBRNGs, the code looks like this (see libs/random/examples/counter_based_example.cpp for a fully worked example):
using namespace boost::random; typedef threefry<4, uint32_t> Prf; normal_distribution nd; Prf::key_type key = {seed}; Prf prf(key); // seed may come from command line for(size_t i=0; i
Is there a good reason why this shouldn't be written as:
for(...) { ... std::seed_seq s{ seed, atoms[i].id, timestep, THERMALIZE_CTXT }; counter_based_engine<Prf> cbrng(s); ... }
Seed_seq is the wrong tool for the job. It's a middleman who charges a
hefty commission (time and space) and then delivers your product slightly
damaged. You give it values that you have carefully chosen so that they're
*guaranteed* to be unique. Seed_seq then transforms them into values that
are *probably* unique, but there are no guarantees. If you use it a lot,
the Birthday Paradox will eat away at that "probably" and after a few
billion uses you'll be in for a nasty surprise: two of your generators
will produce exactly the same output.
Seed_seq is an attempt to work around the problem that many generators (and
some of the most popular ones) are difficult to initialize in a way that
results in independent streams. The CBRNGs are designed to give you
independent streams without the overhead or risk of a seed_seq.
I think you'll like the new example code better. From the new README:
typedef threefry<4, uint32_t> Prf;
counter_based_engine I don't really like making the details of the
algorithm (i.e. key and domain) part of the
primary interface. I think it's important that they be available, but in the new version, you
don't have to use them if you don't want to. A user *may* limit himself
to using standard seeding methods and avoid restart(). Their one
remaining advantage is that they offer constant-time discard(). The
additional features that rely on the details of the underlying
Prf are entirely optional. Let's consider the code changes between the two fragments: <snip> - Since it models a URNG, cbrng can be passed as an argument to the
normal_distribution, nd. In order to make each atom independent, nd.reset() is called each time through the loop. <snip> FWIW, I don't really think that reset was a good idea
in the first place, and it's currently a no-op in all
distributions. To run the loop in parallel, you'd need
to make a copy of nd in every thread, anyway. Fair enough. In the example, I've moved the normal distribution
into the loop and removed reset(). counter_based_urng
------------------ The counter_based_urng class uses the pseudo-random property of PRFs
to perform random number generation in accordance with the
requirements of a UniformRandomNumberGenerator. <snip> counter_based_engine
-------------------- The counter_based_engine class is a templated adapter class that
models a bona fide RandomNumberEngine. <snip> Is there really a good reason to make two separate
templates? A RandomNumberEngine is a URNG, by definition. There was, but not any more. There is now only a counter_based_engine.
It takes a template parameter that determines the length of individual
sequences and the number of permissible 'base counters'.
It has a 'restart()' method that resets the 'base counter'
to begin a new sequence. And it has a few constructor() and
seed() overloads that extend the capabilities of a generic Engine.