Once you initiate an async operation against a memory buffer, the contents
of that buffer are *undefined* from the moment you have called the
async_XXX function until the moment control is resumed in the handler
function you submitted.
For example, imagine an object, even one protected by a strand...
void myobject::initiate_read()
// notes:
// making completion handlers mutable allows asio to move them
internally, which is an optimisation
// it also allows them to carry move-only objects as part of their state
auto handler = [self = this->shared_from_this()]
(auto ec, auto bytes_transferred) mutable
// You are now in the the completion handler.
// you may now read from self->mybuffer
self->handle_read(ec, bytes_transferred);
// initiate async function.
mybuffer, // in this case we're using a
streambuf but the principles are the same
'\n', // if we used
asio::buffer(some-container) as the buffer object
asio::bind_executor(mystrand, //
because we're using a strand, we must bind the handler
std::move(handler)); // to
the strand to ensure that no two handlers run simultaneously
// mybuffer is now in an undefined state.
// it is inappropriate to use it in any way from now on
// the place to read it is in the method myobject::handle_read
void myobject::handle_read(system::error_code ec, std::size_t
// for composed operations like async_read_until it is possible that some
data is read *and* that we get
// an error indicated.
// however, for now we'll ignore that complication
if (ec == system::error_code()) // the correct way to check for 'no
// it's safe to manipulate the buffer here as there are no async
// in flight that touch it.
std::string s;
auto is = std::istream(&mybuffer);
std::getline(is, s);
// NOW re-initiate the async read
// do error handling here and don't reinitiate read
On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 at 07:50, hh h via Boost
If all async_read and async_write need a static life time buffer, do I need to worry about potential buffer overwritten before the buffer process is completed?
Take an example, if a lift_time_buffer is a static buffer for async_read, when the socket gets the data, it fills data into the buffer, then the buffer is passed to higher level applications for processing, before the buffer process is completed, the socket receives more data and write the data to the buffer again since it is async process, that will certainly result data corruption. The same story could apply for async_write if one static life time buffer to async_write.
Is that thought overstated? Or it needs a real concern?
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-- Richard Hodges hodges.r@gmail.com office: +442032898513 home: +376841522 mobile: +376380212 (this will be *expensive* outside Andorra!) skype: madmongo facebook: hodges.r