On 24/01/2021 20:25, René Ferdinand Rivera Morell wrote:
It was composed by me from multiple sources, including personal experience of programming GA and submitting pull requests for AP-based CI open source projects.
What Niall failed to mention is that the ARM architectures are not for Microsoft hosted agents.
I didn't actually know that Microsoft weren't exposing their ARM64 Azure VMs to the public yet, sorry. I was also confused by some having wired in AWS Graviton2 instances as self hosted Azure agents as a stand in. That's expensive unless you're already spending on AWS, alternatives include: - OVH will do you a fully dedicated dual core ARM Cortex A9 @ 1 Ghz with 2Gb of RAM for €60/year, if you can snag one available. Note that emulation on a fast x64 is not especially slower than this CPU. - Ikoula will do you a fully dedicated quad core Raspberry Pi 4 @ 1.5 Ghz with 4Gb of RAM for €60/year. Not much storage however. - Mythic Beasts will do you a fully dedicated quad core Raspberry Pi 4 @ 1.5 Ghz with 4Gb of RAM for £72.50/year + £2/10Gb/year of storage. - You can colocate your own RaspPi at https://raspberry-hosting.com/en for €36/year. You could easily build a high end model for under €100 complete with fast USB3 connected SSD. I have no connection with any of the above providers. I have no experience with any of the above providers, except the OVH Cortex A9 which I rented for a while for a job I had to do at the time many years ago. It worked well enough, though it was slow relative even to an Intel Atom. Niall