Le 13.11.17 à 22:17, Stefan Seefeld via Boost a écrit :
On 13.11.2017 16:06, Steven Watanabe via Boost wrote:
<snip> Hmm - I do this in serialization library. My believe is that the tests are run while the current directory is set to the test directory. Boost.Build never changes the current directory. If you run the tests from the test directory, then
On 11/13/2017 01:54 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote: this will work. If you run them from somewhere else (say $BOOST_ROOT/status), then it won't.
Ah, but the cwd surely differs depending on whether I run `.../b2` from the boost root directory, within the project root directory or the project test/ subdirectory, doesn't it ? How can I make the test executable find the data directory independently of where I call `.../b2` from ? I believe this is where a command-line argument would help, but accessing that from within the boost::test machinery seems tricky, to say the least.
For the boost.test part: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/libs/test/doc/html/boost_test/tests_org... you can pass custom arguments after the -- on the command line.
(I wouldn't mind not being able to run the tests from within the `test/` subdirectory, but I most definitely do want to run it from the project root dir, and others likely want to run it from the boost root, so there are at least two use-cases that require supporting.)