AMDG On 03/07/2013 12:17 AM, rjeczalik wrote:
I'm trying to build Boost 1.53 using VC2012 amd64 (toolset=msvc-11.0 address-model=64) and Windows Server 2012 Standard. Bootstrapping fails with jam0.exe crash - some crash info:
Crash stacktrace:
ntdll.dll!000007f9bc781069() KernelBase.dll!000007f9b978764e() KernelBase.dll!000007f9b97d3658() jam0.exe!_findnext64i32(__int64 hFile, _finddata64i32_t * pfd) Line 165 jam0.exe!file_dirscan(_object * dir, void (void *, _object *, int, __int64) * func, void * closure) Line 180 <snip>
Line where it crashed was:
if (!FindNextFile((HANDLE)hFile, &wfd)) {
I've tried to watch the values of arguments passes to FindNextFile() - hFile looked like proper handle, however wfd.cFileName and wfd.cAlternateFileName contained garbage.
Is this a known issue for 1.53? I've compiled version 1.52 using the same environment and the same configuration and everything went ok, I did not manage to reproduce the crash. It looks like only version 1.53 is affected.
That's very odd, as b2 did not change between 1.52 and 1.53. Can you diff the tools/build/v2/engine directories in both versions just to verify this? In Christ, Steven Watanabe