Le 04/06/2017 à 12:53, Peter Dimov via Boost a écrit :
Vicente J. Botet Escriba wrote:
You have taken some deviations from the proposal that could merit discussion
* missing sizeof...(E) >0 assertion
expected<T> is valid. Its purpose is to make expected{ expr } valid (the equivalent of make_expected.)
But make_expected() returns expected
* unexpected_ type is not an explicit and different type
Could be done a different type, if this simple alias is determined to not work for some reason.
* inheritance of bad_expected_access<T> from from bad_expected_access<> :)
That enables you to catch all bad_expected_access errors. Without a base, you have to enumerate every possible E, and some of them may not be known until run time (because dlopen.)
Point taken.
* Additional throw_on_unexpected
This translates the E types into exceptions, as I explained in the doc.
I see that this is a customization point. My proposal has an open point to be able to configure the exception to throw via a traits. I'll add yours as possible approach.
* unexpected()/error() should have a narrow contract (but this needs to be discussed in Toronto)
Please no.
I don't see how get<I> can work here.
I don't see it yet. What is the type of I. How can you use a function
parameter as a template argument?
return mp_with_index
(v_) );
* ::then seems to be the monad::bind, could you confirm?
It's a monadic bind, yes. I'll remove .then in favor of operator>>, as documented.
* Wondering from constructors from convertibles expected
from expected. I'm not sure yet whether to enable value conversion. Pretty sure we don't want error conversions outside remap_errors.
* Factories are missing
Since we have argument deduction now, expected{ expr } and unexpected_{ expr } can be used for the purpose, and I saw no need for separate factory functions.
For the standard this *could* be good, but will your library be C++17 only? Vicente