I recently moved a project to boost.log from a homemade logger. I had something like text_multifile_backend, so finding that as a drop-in replacement was awesome. Unfortunately, the performance when using text_multifile_backend on windows is really bad, because the repeated file close operations (one per log record) are unusually slow on windows. Repeatedly logging a string to the same file via text_multifile_backend results in throughput of about 200 log entries per second. Just to quickly prove it is unique to windows, I made a simple program that just opens, appends a single line, and then closes, an ofstream in a loop. On a high-end windows machine with nvme ssd, 1000 iterations takes 2600ms. On an older linux box with a sata ssd, the same takes 16ms. What do others think about adding a note in the documentation about this performance issue? It's bad enough that I think anyone on windows would want to avoid the backend. It's not the backend's "fault" at all; I could see some options for improving performance of the backend on windows, but they definitely complicate the simplicity of the current approach. (Side note - in googling the issue, other projects have been bitten - notably mercurial on windows - https://gregoryszorc.com/blog/2015/10/22/append-i/o-performance-on-windows/ )