I think Python's concept of Context and Context Managers useful and I've adapted, to the best of my abilities, a similar concept in C++. For those not familiar with this concept, I'll quote a brief snippet from the documentation: "Simply stated, this library enables the use of the Pythonesque with-statement construct in C++. More broadly, this library seeks to formalize a generalized version of a subset of the RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization) idiom that, for the lack of preexisting terms, I shall refer here to as the STEP (Scope Triggered Event Processing) idiom. The STEP idiom is the commonly occurring use case where for a given block of code some user specified action(s) must execute on entry and on exit, and the failure to do so will result in some deterministic behavior." You can find the library here: https://github.com/m-w-a/WG Documentation is here: https://github.com/m-w-a/WG/tree/master/Local/Docs (In the same repository I've also redid Boost's local_function, but that the subject of another posting.) If there is enough interest from the community for such a library then I will go ahead and "Boostify" it.