[Edward Diener]
A table of which Boost libraries use auto_ptr, unary_function, and binary_function might help your cause.
Grepping headers and ignoring comments: [unary_function, binary_function] accumulators algorithm bimap function functional gil graph heap icl interprocess iostreams mpi msm multi_index numeric polygon signals2 smart_ptr test typeof utility xpressive [auto_ptr] asio assign date_time detail geometry graph iostreams locale mpi ptr_container python serialization smart_ptr spirit statechart test thread typeof [old <functional> stuff, random_shuffle] accumulators container gil graph lambda msm multi_index phoenix random range spirit test This isn't counting Boost's tests. [Peter Dimov]
shared_ptr has a constructor taking auto_ptr, but it's guarded by a Config macro, BOOST_NO_AUTO_PTR.
Oh, that's good to know. Thanks, STL