Dear Boost,
Last November you gave me some valuable feedback on rewriting the
tutorial for Boost.Outcome, a C++ 14 library providing a
factory and family of policy driven lightweight monadic
value-or-error transports. I recently came out of employment contract
and so have had the time to rewrite Outcome's Tutorial (anyone
interested in employing a remote working C++ consultant please do get in
contact). I'd appreciate feedback on
1. Is this rewritten tutorial too simple, too detailed or about right?
2. Do you feel you could use Outcome in your own code without difficulty
after reading it? If not, what information is missing?
3. Are you persuaded of the merits of using Outcome after reading it? If
not, what else do I need to say?
The first FOUR sections at have
been rewritten by me to hopefully reflect the feedback you gave me last
November, so these have been refactored so far:
* Description, Prerequisites and Support
* Installing, building and testing Outcome
* Quick start for the expert
* Tutorial
The package repo install methods haven't been implemented yet, these are
marked in the docs as todo.
These sections have yet to be refactored:
* Frequently Asked Questions
* Advanced usage: Outcome as a Monad
* Outcome and the upcoming std::expected