On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Stefan Seefeld
I'm trying to compare Boost.Python's develop branch with master, to decide how to proceed. I was naively assuming that develop would regularly be rebased so it's easy to merge patches. However, https://github.com/boostorg/python/branches/active indicates develop is "276 commits ahead". How is that possible ? How did previous maintainers keep the develop branch in sync with master ? How is this handled in other Boost libraries ?
I think this is an artifact of it never having been merged before (since the Git transition). If you actually look at the differences between branches, they are not that severe (though still substantial). I was able to perform the merge myself, from a local copy of develop to a new branch that I had made off of master, and there were only a couple conflicts and around 60 changed files. https://github.com/boostorg/python/compare/master...teeks99:master_merge I believe this is what the merge *should* look like. In the five conflicts that I had to resolve there were a couple things that never made it to develop (I'm not sure how that happened), but they seem to be dealing with Visual Studio 2003....so no longer supported stuff. If we do this merge, we should then merge back into develop: https://github.com/teeks99/python/compare/develop...teeks99:master_merge Tom