Le 15/06/14 23:32, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 15/06/14 21:25, Stephen Kelly a écrit :
So, now we need to remove the dependencies of the second graph. I draw your attention to the following dependencies:
serialization ->variant variant -> math math -> [lots of stuff]
If the variant -> math edge is removed, we get this:
http://www.steveire.com/boost/june-15-serialization-no-variant-math.png http://www.steveire.com/boost/june-15-serialization-no-variant-math.dot
which is already a significant improvement. There may be more low hanging fruit remaining.
Variant depends on math for a single metafunction.
Peter you report doesn't show this dependency
# variant ? assert^1 bind^3 config^0 core^2 detail^4 functional^7 math^11 move^4 mpl^3 preprocessor^0 static_assert^1 throw_exception^2 type_traits^3 utility^3
How is it?
Forget the comment please :( Vicente