2018-06-28 21:27 GMT+02:00 Stefan Seefeld via Boost
On 2018-06-28 03:14 PM, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:
Hi Everyone, Maybe someone could help me understand the configuration on the travis-ci testers.
For avoidance of doubt: what exactly are you referring to by "the travis-ci testers" ? Lots of Boost projects use their own CI configuration, so there is a huge variance on compilers and runtimes being used, some supporting C++11, some not.
This is interesting. I am referring to Boost.Opitonal tests on Travis configured here: https://travis-ci.org/boostorg/optional I am a maintainer of Boost.Optional, and I never configured these tests. They were not there a year ago, and at some point I started receiving test results from this site upon every commit. So I assume there must have been a Boost-wide initiative to put additional tests there. I assume that someone on the list might have taken part in configuring them, and may know the answers.
Whenever I push a new commit I get a number of failures from
travis-ci about missing std::is_trivially_default_constructible from the standard library; like here: https://travis-ci.org/boostorg/optional/builds/397519342? utm_source=email&utm_medium=notification
Some tests with Boost.Predef indicate that they are clang compiler 3.X, and clang 5 with libstdc++ of strange version nubers: macro BOOST_LIB_STD_GNU gives values 450400026 and 460700026, which would correspond to releases 2015-04-26 and 2016-07-26, but when I look at the release notes for GCC there are no releases mentioned of these dates: https://gcc.gnu.org/news.html
Maybe someone knows what versions of libstdc++ these are? Or maybe I am missing something obvious?
In case of doubt, you should at least add -std=c++11. It's been the default with recent g++ versions, but not with older ones. Likewise with clang.
I am not sure what you mean here. The library should be prepared for every configuration of compiler/standard-library, so I do not mind testing for C++03. My usage of std::is_trivially_default_constructible is #ifdef-ed with (__cplusplus >= 201103L). Regards, &rzej;
...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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