Erik Erlandson
I have received your request and will add the library to the review schedule.
Thank you Ron!
I have a question.
I was looking at the current review schedule: http://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html
Taking the '10 days per review' as typical, it appears that there is a six-month backlog of reviews. Assuming 10 day review sessions, back to back. That seems like a long backlog, am I missing something?
As a proposed addition to Boost.Algorithm, my understanding is that this applies (from the Boost.Algorithm introduction): I will be soliciting submissions from other developers, as well as looking through the literature for existing algorithms to include. [...] My goal is to run regular algorithm reviews, similar to the Boost library review process, but with smaller chunks of code. To date I don't believe that any code other than the originally- reviewed content has been added to Boost.Algorithm. Marshall, are you reading this? How do you propose to handle it? Regards, Phil.