On 6/29/2013 6:42 AM, Adam Wulkiewicz wrote:
... this type of library should support different endianesses. It should also probably support switching them for the same stream multiple times. E.g. some manipulators could be provided:
namespace bs = boost::bitstream;
mystream >> bs::big >> my_int16 >> my_IEEE754_float_32 >> bs::little
Good idea. I have started assembling a to-do list in the bstream wiki on GitHub: https://github.com/dplong/bstream/wiki/To-do
Of course the endianess of variables on a specific platform should be taken into account.
This is what I wrote in a previous post: "[ibitstream] does not assume any particular endianness of the platform (for example, it does not blindly copy platform memory to the bit stream) ... The effect, however, is that ... integrals on the platform are always their native endian. That said, awareness of platform endianness could inform future optimizations. "
It could also support some non-C++ formats like 16-bit half precision or 128-bit quad precision floats. Some typedefs would probably be required in namespace boost::bitstream.
Okay, sure. BTW, ibitstream consumers can easily support new types by overloading operator>>. For example, this is how bool is supported: ibitstream &operator>>(ibitstream &ibs, bool &b) { bitfield value; ibs.read(value, 1); b = value != 0; return ibs; } Paul