Starting new thread. Substantial progress has been made towards the goal of compiling Boost with Clang/LLVM (clang-cl.exe, targeting MSVC). The latest PR in this respect by Peter has achieved this. The next step is to be also able to use lld (lld-link in case of clang-cl.exe targeting MSVC) to generate the Boost-libs (static/dynamic). The main interest, IMO, is to be able to use LTO (Thin or Full), which is not possible without the use of LLD. A secondary benefit appears to be faster link times (info from the lld manual). In order to build static ThinLTO-enabled libs, it suffices to pass <compileflags>-flto=thin in the project jam file. The archiving, though, needs to be done with lld-link.exe, passing /lib as the first option (this way it will act as lib.exe, while being able to handle the llvm-byte-code [lib.exe finds the so generated .obj-files to be corrupt]). At consumption time of the libs, lld-link needs to be used for linking. Hacking clang-win.jam:156 to: toolset.flags clang-win.archive .LD $(cond) : "\"C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\bin\\lld-link.exe\"" /lib ; achieves this goal. I would like to ask (probably Peter) to have a look into whether this can be achieved "the proper way", i.e. to programmatically set that particular line to the required value for this use-case. degski -- *“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" - Herbert Stein*