Gesendet: Sonntag, 09. Juli 2017 um 20:57 Uhr Von: "Phil Endecott via Boost"
An: boost@lists.boost.org Cc: "Phil Endecott" Betreff: Re: [boost] [beast] Review Jens Weller wrote:
Fuzzing. I spend this weekend some time to fuzz beast with libFuzzer. The basic_parser and the websocket::stream were fuzzed. A bug (buffer overflow) in basic_parser was found, and is already fixed.
*THANK YOU* so much for doing that. I didn't see your message until after I'd sent my review, and I feel even more justified in my comments about the over-complex optimisations in the parser, and the security implications.
I'd be interested to see where the bug was. Was this posted on the list?
I used beast to get into fuzzing with this workshop: https://github.com/Dor1s/libfuzzer-workshop Motivation was that in that way I could contribute to the review and learn something non beast related. TWO things at once! The fuzzer found the bug pretty fast, almost instantly. I'm not a fuzzing expert, but I as far as I know I got lucky with an oversight in the handling of results in the beast parser, it appears. I continued the fuzzing of beast after vinnie provided a fix and so I also fuzzed this branch. Nothing else came up. thanks, Jens Weller