On 11/17/17 12:50, Daniel James via Boost wrote:
On 16 November 2017 at 22:03, Vinnie Falco via Boost
wrote: On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 1:42 PM, Marcel Raad via Boost
wrote: There are breaking changes in the "Initial merge of Networking TS compatibility." commit
I updated Beast to use the "Net.TS-flavored Boost.Asio" (my name for the new Boost.Asio implementation) do you have any specific questions about the changes that I might be able to answer?
It's be useful if someone wrote some release notes. It doesn't have to be the maintainer.
It looks like Boost.ASIO is based on some pre-release version of ASIO 1.11.0, which has release notes here: http://think-async.com/asio/asio-1.11.0/doc/asio/history.html#asio.history.a... Unfortunately, it looks like some of the new features are not available in Boost.ASIO (e.g. I couldn't find address_cast<>). It looks like Christopher is the only one who knows what changes went into Boost, unless someone else follows the development closely. I'm CCing Christopher in hope he will be able to provide some release notes for Boost.ASIO. For convenience, the release notes can be provided by creating a pull request for this file: https://github.com/boostorg/website/blob/master/feed/history/boost_1_66_0.qb... Thanks.