On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 2:04 PM Glen Fernandes via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Note that for new libraries being accepted into Boost, the only requirement is that (at the time of review) they compile with at least two C++ compilers and that they at least compile under the current C++ standard (which today is C++17).
i.e. We accept new libraries that don't compile under C++11, and we even have some libraries today that require C++14 or higher.
New libraries always try to support the oldest C++ standard possible. When your library is new, you instinctively grasp that it will be more popular the wider the range of the supported platforms. The flip side is that a few years later, that oldest C++ standard supported by the library is older still, yet the user base is bigger because of it. Don't turn it into a trap now, keep it working.