I’m reporting on the status of Beast, a C++11 header-only library implementing HTTP and WebSocket which is submitted to the boost incubator. The official repository for Beast is at: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast It has been a few months since the last update and the number of users measured on GitHub has grown steadily. There is robust, active development with bug fixes and improvements. Unfortunately there hasn’t been much of in terms of attention from the Boost community, no feedback from the incubator was provided. If anyone would like to help out by checking out Beast in the incubator and leaving some comments that would be a tremendous help. Incubator link: http://blincubator.com/bi_library/beast-2/?gform_post_id=1579 The most exciting news is that Beast HTTP and WebSockets have been deployed in the production server environment for the company I work for, Ripple (http://ripple.com). On a side note, my co-worker David Schwartz is giving a CppCon 2016 Keynote speech on the relationship of C++ to public blockchain systems and cryptocurrencies: http://cppcon.org/schwartz-keynote-turner-plenary/ You can see the Beast integration in “rippled”, an open source server application that implements Ripple’s decentralized ledger: https://github.com/ripple/rippled/tree/develop/src/ripple/server/impl I will be doing a 15 minute lightning talk introducing CppCon 2016 conference attendees to Beast. The talk will have 8 minutes of presentation with the remainder of the time allocated for questions (if there are no questions I have additional materials which can be presented). At the conference I would love to meet anyone who is interested in the library or wants to have their questions answered - feel free to reach out to me through my email address vinnie.falco@gmail.com (also listed on my GitHub profile) if you’d like to get in contact. Thanks! -- Follow me on Github: https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast