On 1/3/18 6:14 AM, Daniel James via Boost wrote:
On 3 January 2018 at 13:27, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost
wrote: I consider this more important than where actually the content is
Sure, but from my perspective the problem is that no one is maintaining a lot of these pages. If there's a simple way to make it easier for other people to do it, then I'd like to explore that. Making proposals to reorganize the website is nice, but is anyone going to do it? The whole website thing is ripe for some really great idea. We need some new ideas/approaches here.
a) It has to be composed of simpler more orthogonal parts b) Each of which can be easily and sort of maintained by a large number of individuals who have responsabiity for their own parts c) It has to be easy to do d) Use simple tools which are going to be around for a while e) Create a shared UI/css, etc so that understanding one part means that a user understands the other parts, etc. f) It has to address security issues g) It would be nice to have the ability for users to add information to web pages - corrections etc. Maybe git hub issues would work for this. I don't know anything which really encompasses all of the above, but there are somethings which have good/helpful models for some aspects of the above. cppreference has a good model for shared look and feel across widely varying types of content - language, libraries, etc. It is also updatable by members. Something built on this would also be able to incorporate library independently created documentation with a common look and feel. The guy who created this gave a great talk at CppCon a couple of years ago. Maybe we need to invite him to C++Now (BoostCon?) to get some ideas. Of course github has worked out well ideal for managing content for such a thing. I'm skeptical of things like php, or ... the flavor of the month web design tool. Anything that tries to do too much seems to lead into a cul-de-sac. Some of these ideas I've tried to prototype in the incubator with limited success. To summarize, this is a huge topic. I'm sort of skeptical that we have the resources (of varied kinds) to actually do it. But if one's reach is not beyond his grasp - what's a heaven for? (apologies to Robert Burns) Robert Ramey