Hello, I'm back to Boost after my last commits were in svn and now I need to make sure I do stuff correctly in git/github. In boost-svn there were trunk for development and release for up-to date release, currently master is what "release branch" is svn was and develop is what trunk? Q: Is it correct. I have several fixes - I pushed them to master branch of Boost.Locale library. https://github.com/boostorg/locale/compare/26482aa844...ea55386441 I did same for develop (I hope correctly) Q: Is pushing changes to master it enough to get them into next boost release? I had some strange behavior of "detached Head" so I needed to create small temporary local branch and than merge it to master... Q: is it normal? Can't I commit/push directly to master without temporary branch? Testing - in svn there were regression tests for both release and trunk branches of svn... Q: What happens now with regression tests I cound't find the information in the wiki. Thanks. Artyom Beilis -------------- CppCMS - C++ Web Framework: http://cppcms.com/ CppDB - C++ SQL Connectivity: http://cppcms.com/sql/cppdb/