From: Damian Vicino via Boost
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:14 AM
To: boost@lists.boost.org
Cc: Damian Vicino
Subject: Re: [boost] Trac
I'd being using boost for at least 6 years, and I don't remember any boost
wiki. Do someone has access to check the request log of that wiki and
confirm if there is traffic (aside from robots)?
Maybe nobody is reading and that will make easier to decide to shut it
down. Or maybe, that is the most visited page ever and it will not be a
good idea.
2018-09-02 4:51 GMT-04:00 Raffi Enficiaud via Boost
On 02.08.18 13:35, James E. King III via Boost wrote:
One thing Trac provides that github does not is a way to summarize the backlog (it has) for all components:
Yes, and I like that feature somehow. Is there any mean on GitHub to populate release notes automatically from the issues and PRs that have been merged on master between 2 tags?
however the list of Maintainers in Trac is stale:
Trac has been used and (still is) as a wiki and ticket tracking system.
A wiki needs maintenance, this page you are pointing is outdated and not maintained, better removing it.
All in all, if we remove the ticketing system from trac making it read only, there is no point providing a wiki like system as well, especially if this one is not being maintained.
Relevant information for development and use of boost should go to the boost.org website, or to the boost superproject wiki on github (which has been partially done).
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Below are year to date values with bots excluded: /trac10/wiki/ModularBoost 18,278 /trac10/wiki/ReleasePractices/Procedures 11,621 /trac10/wiki/CMake 6,186 /trac10/wiki/DebuggerVisualizers 4,704 /trac10/wiki/BestPracticeHandbook 4,045 /trac10/wiki/LibrariesUnderConstruction 4,034 /trac10/wiki/SoC2017 3,372 /trac10/wiki/Git/GitHome 3,210 /trac10/wiki/Guidelines/WarningsGuidelines 3,185 /trac10/wiki/TryModBoost 3,039 /trac10/wiki/StartModMaint 2,764 /trac10/wiki/CommunityMaintenance 2,713 /trac10/wiki/ModBigPicture 2,414 /trac10/wiki/BoostSubversion 2,339 /trac10/wiki/WikiStart 2,193 /trac10/wiki/CMakeConfigAndBuild 2,169 /trac10/wiki/StartGitHub 1,910 /trac10/wiki/SoCPrevious 1,873 /trac10/wiki/CMakeModularizationStatus 1,727 /trac10/wiki/BoostDocs/PDF 1,530 /trac10/wiki/SoCSubmissionTemplate 1,024 There are another 150+ pages hit across the year with less than 100 views. Additionally, some general stats for the host: Average is ~40k unique clients per month, ~3,000,000 pages served resulting in around 18GB of traffic. 16GB of that traffic, across ~120k hits, is from bots. Normally 98% of those hits are direct hits or bookmarks (subversion traffic), roughly 47k a month from search results, and about 16k from external links including (for Aug 2018): - https://www.boost.org/users/download/ 1,007 - https://www.boost.org/wiki/ 966 - https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/doc/html/boost_asio/histor... 917 - https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/doc/html/thread/changes.ht... 617 - https://www.boost.org 596 - https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/libs/geometry/doc/html/geo... 495 - https://www.boost.org/wiki 475 - https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/doc/html/interprocess/ackn... 392 - https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_67_0.html 375 - https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/doc/html/container/release... 342 Hope that helps paint a picture. If not, or are there additional questions, feel free to let me know. Thanks, Brad Johnson Ciere Consulting